Looking to explore? Switch to Xplorer

Welcome to Xplorer
Where Word of Mouth Goes a Lot Further!

of consumers say that they either completely or somewhat trust recommendations from family and friends
*according to Nielsen report
83% HTML

of consumers believe user-generated content is more influential than brand-created content when making purchasing decisions.

*according to Stakla

90% HTML

of consumers prefer to ask friends and family for product recommendations

*according to Yotpo

59% HTML

of UK consumers think it’s most important for a business to be trustworthy

*according to business2community.com

Why choose Xplorer for your business?

Harness the Power of Word-of-Mouth Marketing

With Xplorer, your business can tap into the most trusted form of marketing - word-of-mouth recommendations. Our app connects potential customers with personalized suggestions from their network of friends and family, driving new, loyal clientele straight to your door.

Target the Right Audience

Say goodbye to generic, one-size-fits-all advertising. With Xplorer, you can create targeted ads that reach the right audience, ensuring maximum return on investment for your business. Our platform makes it easy to connect with a highly engaged, local audience who are actively seeking out the best experiences and services.

Customizable Business Page

Xplorer offers businesses a customizable page where you can showcase your brand, products, and services. Upload eye-catching images, share your unique story, and highlight special offers to attract and engage potential customers.

Exclusive Deals and Promotions

Create exclusive offers and promotions for Xplorer users to drive more foot traffic and boost sales. Our platform makes it easy to manage and track the success of your promotions, helping you make data-driven decisions for your marketing strategy.

We’ve got the plan
that’s perfect for you

Basic Plan
Per User
Per Month
  • Make a customisable page, showcasing business details including products/services, address, etc.
  • Show offers to customers who follow the page and modify the offers as required

Per User
Per Month
  • Make a customisable page, showcasing business details including products/services, address, etc.
  • Show offers to customers who follow the page and modify the offers as required
  • Two free ads appear on user activity feeds
  • B2C ability to comment on reviews
  • Business review management, giving the ability to analyse the review data in general detail
  • Offer customer discounts and offers for filling out surveys about the business

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